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Grafenwöhr, a town embedded in the Upper Palatinate hill land, became known by its neighboring military training area of the US army. Even Elvis Presley was based in the military town back in his day and entertained the locals in the "Mickey-Bar".

The water tower, which was built in the beginning of the 20th century as part of the construction of the military training area, is the landmark of the town Grafenwöhr. It approximately measures 43 meters and overcame the Second World War nearly unscathed. That is why nowadays it still obtained its original form.

Other impressive buildings in Grafenwöhr are, among others, the townhall, which was first mentioned in 1462, the catholic parish church Mariä Himmelfahrt, which was first mentioned in the 14th century, an the catholic Maria-Hilf church, which is situated on the Annaberg hill.

The Premonstratensian monastery in Speinshart, which was built in 1145 and completely restored just a few years ago, is a favorite excursion destination for many historians and people who are interested in culture. Not far from that there's the basaltic cone Rauher Kulm, an approximately 683 m high and inactive volcanic ruin. Its surrounding, idyllic landscape spreads out to the running waters of the Haidenaab.

The region also offers amazing leisure opportunities for sportsmen: For example, one can explore the landscape on the countless cycle paths, like the "Bürgerwaldweg". Everyone who likes to ease into it a little bit first can go on the "Gründerweg". A hiking path, which leads through Grafenwöhr all around the "Vier-Städte-Dreieck". Families will also have the opportunity to visit great bathing places like the Rußweiher, the Dießfurter Seenlandschaft or the Waldbad in Grafenwöhr.

The Culture and Military museum in Grafenwöhr exhibits a comprehensive collection of the post-war era and the events around Grafenwöhr. There you'll also meet and old acquaintance: The rock 'n' roll legend Elvis Presley is most probably the most colorful figure in the entire exhibition.